Source code for brian2cuda.__init__

Package implementing the CUDA "standalone" `Device` and `CodeObject`.

from . import cuda_prefs
from .codeobject import CUDAStandaloneCodeObject
from .device import cuda_standalone_device
from . import binomial
from . import timedarray

    from ._version import __version__, __version_tuple__
except ImportError:
        from setuptools_scm import get_version

        __version__ = get_version(
        __version_tuple__ = tuple(int(x) for x in __version__.split(".")[:3])
    except ImportError:
            "Cannot determine Brian2CUDA version, running from source and "
            "setuptools_scm is not installed."
        __version__ = "unknown"
        __version_tuple__ = (0, 0, 0)

# make the test suite available via brian2cuda.test()
from .tests import run as test

[docs]def example_run(device_name="cuda_standalone", directory=None, **build_options): """ Run a simple example simulation to test whether Brian2CUDA is correctly set up. Parameters ---------- device_name : str What device to use (default: "cuda_standalone"). directory : str ,optional The output directory to write the project to, any existing files will be overwritten. If the given directory name is ``None`` (default for this example run), then a temporary directory will be used. build_options : dict, optional Additional options that will be forwarded to the ```` call, """ from brian2.devices.device import device, set_device from brian2 import ms, NeuronGroup, run import brian2cuda import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_allclose set_device(device_name, build_on_run=False) N = 100 tau = 10 * ms G = NeuronGroup( N, "dv/dt = -v / tau: 1", threshold="v > 1", reset="v = 0", refractory=5 * ms, method="linear", ) G.v = "i / 100." run(1 * ms), directory=directory, **build_options) assert_allclose(G.v, np.arange(N) / N * np.exp(-1 * ms / tau)) device.reinit() device.activate() print("\nExample run was successful.")