Source code for brian2cuda.cuda_prefs

Preferences that relate to the brian2cuda interface.
import numpy as np

from brian2.core.preferences import prefs, BrianPreference
from brian2.core.core_preferences import default_float_dtype_validator, dtype_repr
from brian2.utils.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger('brian2.devices.cuda_standalone.cuda_prefs')

[docs]def validate_bundle_size_expression(string): known_vars = ['mean', 'std', 'max', 'min'] try: # Try formatting all known_vars with 0 formatted = string.format(**dict(zip(known_vars, [0] * len(known_vars)))) except KeyError as error: logger.error( f"Unknown formatting variable {error}. Known variables are:" f" {known_vars}" ) return False # Replase names from C++ std with numpy version for eval test below formatted = formatted.replace("ceil", "np.ceil") formatted = formatted.replace("floor", "np.floor") try: eval(formatted) except Exception: logger.error(f"Can't evaluate expression '{string}'") return False return True
# Preferences prefs.register_preferences( 'devices.cuda_standalone', 'Brian2CUDA preferences', SM_multiplier = BrianPreference( default=1, docs='The number of blocks per SM. By default, this value is set to 1.', ), parallel_blocks = BrianPreference( docs='''The total number of parallel blocks to use. If ``None``, the number of parallel blocks equals the number streaming multiprocessors on the GPU.''', validator=lambda v: v is None or (isinstance(v, int) and v > 0), default=1), launch_bounds=BrianPreference( docs='Wether or not to use ``__launch_bounds__`` to optimise register usage in kernels.', default=False), syn_launch_bounds=BrianPreference( docs='Wether or not to use ``__launch_bounds__`` in synapses and synapses_push to optimise register usage in kernels.', default=False), calc_occupancy=BrianPreference( docs='Wether or not to use cuda occupancy api to choose num_threads and num_blocks.', default=True), extra_threshold_kernel=BrianPreference( docs='Wether or not to use a extra threshold kernel for resetting.', default=True), random_number_generator_type=BrianPreference( docs='''Generator type (str) that cuRAND uses for random number generation. Setting the generator type automatically resets the generator ordering (prefs.devices.cuda_standalone.random_number_generator_ordering) to its default value. See cuRAND documentation for more details on generator types and orderings.''', validator=lambda v: v in ['CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_DEFAULT', 'CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_XORWOW', 'CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MRG32K3A', 'CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MTGP32', 'CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_PHILOX4_32_10', 'CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MT19937', 'CURAND_RNG_QUASI_DEFAULT', 'CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL32', 'CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SCRAMBLED_SOBOL32', 'CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL64', 'CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SCRAMBLED_SOBOL64'], default='CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_DEFAULT'), random_number_generator_ordering=BrianPreference( docs='''The ordering parameter (str) used to choose how the results of cuRAND random number generation are ordered in global memory. See cuRAND documentation for more details on generator types and orderings.''', validator=lambda v: not v or v in ['CURAND_ORDERING_PSEUDO_DEFAULT', 'CURAND_ORDERING_PSEUDO_BEST', 'CURAND_ORDERING_PSEUDO_SEEDED', 'CURAND_ORDERING_QUASI_DEFAULT'], default=False), # False will prevent setting ordering in (-> curRAND will uset the correct ..._DEFAULT) push_synapse_bundles=BrianPreference( docs='''If True, synaptic events are propagated by pushing bundles of synapse IDs with same delays into the corresponding delay queue. If False, each synapse of a spiking neuron is pushed in the corresponding queue individually. For very small bundle sizes (number of synapses with same delay, connected to a single neuron), pushing single Synapses can be faster. This option only has effect for ``Synapses`` objects with heterogenous delays.''', default=True), threads_per_synapse_bundle=BrianPreference( docs='''The number of threads used per synapses bundle during effect application. This has to be a string, which can be passed to Python's ``eval`` function. The string can can use ``{mean}``, ``{std}``, ``{max}`` and ``{min}`` expressions, which refer to the statistics across all bundles, and the function 'ceil'. The result of this expression will be converted to the next lower ``int`` (e.g. ``1.9`` will be cast to ``1.0``). Examples: ``'{mean} + 2 * {std}'`` will use the mean bunde size + 2 times the standard deviation over bundle sizes and round it to the next lower integer. If you want to round up instead, use ``'ceil({mean} + 2 * {std})'``.''', default="{max}", validator=validate_bundle_size_expression), bundle_threads_warp_multiple=BrianPreference( docs='''Whether to round the number of threads used per synapse bundle during effect application (see `devices.cuda_standalone.threads_per_synapse_bundle`) to a multiple of the warp size. Round to next multiple if preference is ``'up'``, round to previous multiple if ``'low'`` and don't round at all if ``False`` (default). If rounding down results in ``0`` threads, ``1`` thread is used instead.''', default=False, validator=lambda v: v in ['up', 'down', False]), no_pre_references=BrianPreference( docs='''Set this preference if you don't need access to ``i`` in any synaptic code string and no Synapses object applies effects to presynaptic variables. This preference is for memory optimization until unnecassary device memory allocations in synapse creation are fixed, it is only relevant if your network uses close to all memory.''', default=False), no_post_references=BrianPreference( docs='''Set this preference if you don't need access to ``j`` in any synaptic code string and no Synapses object applies effects to postsynaptic variables. This preference is for memory optimization until unnecassary device memory allocations in synapse creation are fixed, it is only relevant if your network uses close to all memory.''', default=False), default_functions_integral_convertion=BrianPreference( docs='''The floating point precision to which integral types will be converted when passed as arguments to default functions that have no integral type overload in device code (sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh, exp, log, log10, sqrt, ceil, floor, arcsin, arccos, arctan)." NOTE: Convertion from 32bit and 64bit integral types to single precision (32bit) floating-point types is not type safe. And convertion from 64bit integral types to double precision (64bit) floating-point types neither. In those cases the closest higher or lower (implementation defined) representable value will be selected.''', validator=default_float_dtype_validator, representor=dtype_repr, default=np.float64), use_atomics=BrianPreference( docs='''Weather to try to use atomic operations for synaptic effect application. Since this avoids race conditions, effect application can be parallelised.''', validator=lambda v: isinstance(v, bool), default=True), profile_statemonitor_copy_to_host=BrianPreference( docs='''Profile the final device to host copy of StateMonitor data. This preference is used for benchmarking and assumes that there is only one active StateMonitor in the network. The parameter of this preference is the recorded variable for which the device to host copy is recorded (e.g. 'v').''', validator=lambda v: v is None or isinstance(v, str), default=None), ) prefs.register_preferences( 'devices.cuda_standalone.cuda_backend', 'Preferences for the CUDA backend in Brian2CUDA', gpu_heap_size = BrianPreference( docs='''Size of the heap (in MB) used by malloc() and free() device system calls, which are used in the ``cudaVector`` implementation. ``cudaVectors`` are used to dynamically allocate device memory for ``SpikeMonitors`` and the synapse queues in the ``CudaSpikeQueue`` implementation for networks with heterogeneously distributed delays.''', validator=lambda v: isinstance(v, int) and v >= 0, default=128), detect_gpus=BrianPreference( docs='''Whether to detect names and compute capabilities of all available GPUs. This needs access to ``nvidia-smi`` and ``deviceQuery`` binaries.''', default=True, validator=lambda v: isinstance(v, bool) ), gpu_id=BrianPreference( docs='''The ID of the GPU that should be used for code execution. Default value is ``None``, in which case the GPU with the highest compute capability and lowest ID is used. If environment variable ``CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES`` is set, this preference will be interpreted as ID from the visible devices (e.g. with ``CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2`` and ``gpu_id=0`` preference, the GPU 2 will be used). ''', default=None, validator=lambda v: v is None or isinstance(v, int) ), extra_compile_args_nvcc=BrianPreference( docs='Extra compile arguments (a list of strings) to pass to the nvcc compiler.', default=['-w', '-use_fast_math'] ), compute_capability=BrianPreference( docs='''Manually set the compute capability for which CUDA code will be compiled. Has to be a float (e.g. ``6.1``) or None. If None, compute capability is chosen depending on GPU in use. ''', validator=lambda v: v is None or isinstance(v, float), default=None ), detect_cuda=BrianPreference( docs='''Whether to try to detect CUDA installation paths and version. Disable this if you want to generae CUDA standalone code on a system without CUDA installed.''', default=True, validator=lambda v: isinstance(v, bool) ), cuda_path=BrianPreference( docs='''The path to the CUDA installation. If set, this preferences takes precedence over environment variable ``CUDA_PATH``.''', default=None, validator=lambda v: v is None or isinstance(v, str) ), cuda_runtime_version=BrianPreference( docs='The CUDA runtime version.', default=None, validator=lambda v: v is None or isinstance(v, float) ), device_query_path=BrianPreference( docs='''Path to CUDA's deviceQuery binary. Used to detect a GPUs compute capability''', default=None, validator=lambda v: v is None or isinstance(v, str) ), )